Children's care services archive 2019-2020

Archive has 520 results

  • Leicestershire County Council (19 018 187)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 10-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the conduct of a social worker and information presented in court. This is because Miss X could have raised her concerns in court, and we have no powers to investigate matters which have been decided or discussed in court.

  • Devon County Council (19 005 952)

    Statement Upheld Other 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: Miss B complains that the Council has not properly dealt with child protection proceedings for her family because it has not implemented recommendations from her complaint and has not provided sufficient support. The Council was at fault because it did not provide sufficient support in the earlier stages of her case. The Council has apologised to Miss B, re-engaged with her family and has re-considered the necessary level of support for the family. The Council has agreed to pay Miss B £1000 in respect of the distress she and her family have suffered and pay Miss B £500 in respect of the risk of harm they were exposed to by the failure of services.

  • London Borough of Havering (19 005 990)

    Statement Upheld Friends and family carers 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: there is no fault in the Council’s consideration of Mr D’s request for financial and other support under a Special Guardianship Order or in its handling of Mr D’s request for assessment of X’s special educational needs. The Council’s poor handling of Mr D’s complaints amounts to fault and this caused him injustice. The Council will apologise and pay him £500 to recognise this.

  • London Borough of Newham (19 006 182)

    Statement Upheld Looked after children 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: The complainant alleges that the Council has failed to pay all the allowances he was entitled to as a child, in its care, and since he became a care leaver. The Ombudsman considers that the Council has been at fault by not carrying out an independent investigation of the complainant’s concerns under the Children Act 1989 statutory complaints process. The Council has now agreed to do this. Therefore, this resolves the complaint and the Ombudsman is closing the complaint.

  • Lancashire County Council (19 009 020)

    Statement Not upheld Child protection 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mr E complains the involvement of Council social services led to him having less contact with his daughter and that it provided him poor customer service. We have completed this investigation finding no fault by the Council or else that we cannot add to the replies it has given to Mr E’s complaint.

  • London Borough of Southwark (19 012 229)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Council failed to consider Mr X’s complaint under the statutory children’s complaints procedure. The Council should arrange to do so without delay and pay Mr X £500 to recognise the unnecessary time and trouble and distress this caused him.

  • Northamptonshire County Council (18 004 926)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: the Council failed to fully include Mr B when considering a child protection case, delayed providing him with reports and minutes, failed to keep adequate case recordings, failed to comply with contact orders and delayed responding to his complaint. This left Mr B feeling he had not been treated fairly and impartially and undermined his confidence in the Council, as well as leading to him to go to time and trouble to pursue his complaint. The actions the Council has taken to address the procedural issues, completion of the outstanding action in relation to a social worker and an apology and payment to Mr B is satisfactory remedy for the injustice caused.

  • Nottinghamshire County Council (19 014 250)

    Statement Upheld Friends and family carers 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mr and Mrs G question the Council’s recalculation of a special guardianship allowance paid to Mrs G for the care of her grandson. We find some fault in the consideration given by the Council to parts of the recalculation. This caused some uncertainty for Mrs G. We have completed the investigation as the Council has now offered a remedy to the complaint which will provide for a satisfactory outcome.

  • Essex County Council (19 016 035)

    Statement Not upheld Friends and family carers 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: there is no evidence of fault in relation to Essex County Council’s involvement following X’s move to live with Mr and Mrs D after his mother became unwell

  • Liverpool City Council (19 016 532)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 09-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint that carers failed to stop a child harming his wife. It is reasonable to expect Mr X to apply to Court.

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