Archive has 7 results
Lancashire County Council (17 017 603)
Report Upheld Looked after children 27-Mar-2019
Summary: Mr B complains the Council has failed to put in place the remedy it agreed to, following his previous complaint to us. Mr B’s original complaint was that the Council had failed to provide help and support for his niece and nephew (V and W) for whom he and his wife hold a Special Guardianship Order (SGO). He said that after the SGO was granted, the Council failed to assess their needs or provide additional support.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council (17 006 049)
Report Upheld Child protection 18-Dec-2018
Summary: Mr F complains the Council failed to protect his young son, B, from harm. B’s mother, Ms M, told the Council she had ended her relationship following an assault by her partner, P. However, she quickly resumed the relationship. B was seriously injured by P. B now lives with his father, Mr F.
City of York Council (17 006 785)
Report Upheld Child protection 16-Oct-2018
Summary: Ms X and Mr Y complain about what happened when their youngest son, who we shall call Z, was admitted to hospital. Ms X and Mr Y’s son passed away whilst he was in hospital and whilst the family were subject to ongoing court action by the Council regarding their children. Ms X and Mr Y say the Council restricted their ability to spend time with Z when he was in hospital which limited the time they were able to spend with him before he passed away. Ms X and Mr Y complain the Council delayed dealing with their complaint under the statutory children’s complaints procedure.
Bedford Borough Council (17 014 669)
Report Upheld Friends and family carers 16-Oct-2018
Summary: Mr X complains that the Council led him to expect that when he and his wife became Special Guardians it would continue to provide the same amount of financial support they received as foster carers. Then over two years later it unfairly reduced the allowances.
Report Upheld Looked after children 31-Aug-2018
Summary: Mrs C complains on her son’s (Mr B) behalf that social services staff left him in a tent and a static caravan for several weeks in the summer of 2016 when he was addicted to drugs and homeless aged 17, without properly assessing if he could make decisions about his own safety. She complains this put him at risk and worsened his already poor mental health.
City of Doncaster Council (17 013 347)
Report Upheld Disabled children 25-Jul-2018
Summary: Miss X complains about the Council’s failure to meet her disabled son’s needs by taking too long to re-house her family from a property that could not be adapted, then by delaying carrying out adaptations to their current property.
London Borough of Islington (17 011 285)
Report Upheld Other 29-May-2018
Summary: Miss X complains the Council has refused to provide her with assistance with her housing. She says she is homeless as her mother has been evicted from temporary accommodation.