Archive has 5 results
Plymouth City Council (15 015 955)
Report Upheld Enforcement 01-Sep-2016
Summary: Complaint from a couple and their neighbour that the council did not tell them about a major planning application which affected their homes. This denied them the opportunity to have their objections and their amenity considered. By retrospectively changing plans on the decision notice, the council denied them the opportunity to apply for judicial review.
Plymouth City Council (15 015 963)
Report Upheld Enforcement 01-Sep-2016
Summary: Complaint from a couple and their neighbour that the council did not tell them about a major planning application which affected their homes. This denied them the opportunity to have their objections and their amenity considered. By retrospectively changing plans on the decision notice, the council denied them the opportunity to apply for judicial review.
St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council (15 009 133 )
Report Upheld Planning applications 29-Jun-2016
Summary: Complaint from two men that the council's decision to allow a replacement dwelling house in Green Belt was affected by inconsistencies, errors, omissions and a lack of policy guidelines. They say the decision to allow so large a house will harm the openness of the Green Belt, it harm their amenity and its construction will lead to the loss of mature landscaping.
St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council (15 010 742)
Report Upheld Planning applications 29-Jun-2016
Summary: Complaint from two men that the council's decision to allow a replacement dwelling house in Green Belt was affected by inconsistencies, errors, omissions and a lack of policy guidelines. They say the decision to allow so large a house will harm the openness of the Green Belt, it will harm their amenity and its construction will lead to the loss of mature landscaping.
London Borough of Hackney (14 006 093)
Report Upheld Enforcement 10-May-2016
Summary: A man complains the council has not taken direct action to remove an unauthorised extension built by his neighbour in 2006 and subject to an enforcement notice issued in February 2009.