Service Improvements for Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

There are 20 results

  • Case Ref: 23 011 518 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Disabled facilities grants

    • Provide the Ombudsman with confirmation as to what changes it has made to its communication process for Disabled Facilities Grants, following the review it carried out after this complaint.

  • Case Ref: 23 004 393 Category: Housing Sub Category: Allocations

    • The Council has agreed to review its procedures for:• responding to, and recording decisions on, requests for a change inpriority banding; and• notifying applicants of the outcome of their requests and their right to ask for a review.
    • The Council has agreed to review its procedures for:• assessing criteria for Band B in cases of unsuitable conditions inprivately rented properties; and• information sharing between its housing standards and housing standards teams in these cases.

  • Case Ref: 22 007 579 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Residential care

    • The Council has agreed to provide safeguarding refresher training to relevant adult social care staff.

  • Case Ref: 22 001 690 Category: Housing Sub Category: Private housing

    • The Council has agreed to share this decision statement with relevant staff in the Private Sector Housing Team to reinforce the learning exercise the Council has already completed.

  • Case Ref: 21 018 593 Category: Education Sub Category: School transport

    • The Council should complete its review of its home to school transport policy and write to the Ombudsman explaining how it now complies with the statutory guidance.

  • Case Ref: 20 014 177 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Residential care

    • The Council has agreed to continue its work with the Care Provider to ensure new policies and procedures are implemented to protect residents' personal belongings and valuables effectively, and that people are alerted to these on admission.

  • Case Ref: 20 014 052 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Residential care

    • The Council will explain what action it has taken with the Care Home (under new ownership and management) to ensure it provides care in line with CQC fundamental standards, addressing the learning identified by this complaint about: arranging for prompt re-assessment of needs by the Council, where a resident’s needs have changed significantly and the Home considers it is no longer able to safely meet their needs arranging for assessment of a resident’s potential eligibility for NHS Funded Nursing Care or Continuing Healthcare through completion of an NHS Continuing Healthcare Checklist, where the resident’s needs indicate they may have health needs needing nursing care putting temporary care interventions in place at the Home whilst awaiting a re-assessment of a resident’s needs, such as obtaining specialist input from district nurses / tissue viability nurses / continence specialists / GP's, to ensure that as far as possible the resident’s needs continue to be met at the Home
    • The Council will explain what steps it has taken to ensure requests for re-assessments of a care home resident's needs do not ‘fall between the cracks’ and get overlooked.
    • The Council will produce and share a SMART action plan setting out the action it has taken, itself and with the Care Home, to prevent a recurrence of the failings in this case. The failings relate to not properly managing a Care Home resident's leg condition and continence needs, and delaying too long in arranging to re-assess the resident's care needs.

  • Case Ref: 20 010 883 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Other

    • The Council has agreed to invite Mrs X and the other attendees of the Moving On service to take part in the current strategic review consultation. This should include face to face options if possible.
    • The Council has agreed to ensure that outcomes to consultations properly reflect the information collected.
    • The Council has agreed to ensure it always considers individual communication needs when consulting and provides information in an accessible way to all relevant people where possible.
    • The Council has agreed to ensure that analysis of information is accurate and properly considered before acting on findings.

  • Case Ref: 20 009 633 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Domiciliary care

    • The Council has agreed to increase audit processes and random sample the electronic information supplied by care providers on the care delivered to ensure charges are accurate.
    • The Council has agreed to refund anyone who has been overcharged by Comfort Call Tameside at Mr Y’s extra care housing.

  • Case Ref: 20 009 537 Category: Adult care services Sub Category: Charging

    • The Council has agreed to take the following actionsl: Consider a review of its charging policy, particularly in relation to the charges for short term residential care and whether a financial assessment should be offered.
    • Remind staff of the regulations and statutory guidance relating to DRE and the assessment of income.

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