Decisions for London Borough of Croydon between 01 April 2022 and 31 March 2023

There are 9 results (please note that to maintain confidentiality, we do not publish all our decisions)

  • London Borough of Croydon (21 007 122)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 18-Apr-2022

    Summary: The Council accepted there was fault in how it dealt with Mr B when he first approached it about his housing situation. It has apologised. There is no need for the Council to take more action in that regard. There was no further fault by the Council in how it supported Mr B.

  • London Borough of Croydon (21 012 828)

    Statement Upheld Looked after children 27-Jun-2022

    Summary: Mrs X and her husband complained the Council did not properly pay them for missed respite service when they looked after a child as foster carers. The Council was at fault as it failed to provide a respite service to Mrs X and her husband whilst they cared for the child. However, the Council offered to pay Mrs X and her husband £25,200 for the lack of respite service. It also offered to pay them £500 for the time and trouble they went through to complain to the Council. I consider this is an appropriate remedy for the injustice caused by the fault.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 005 690)

    Statement Upheld Housing benefit and council tax benefit 10-Aug-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint the Council delayed dealing with his notification of a rent increase and failed to refer the increase to the rent officer. We are satisfied the Council has taken appropriate action to remedy any injustice mainly by ensuring the full rent increase is covered.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 007 101)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 19-Sep-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint, made by Mrs Y, about the Council’s invoicing for 2021 reablement care, and delay in its complaint process. The Council has withdrawn the invoice and apologised to the family. There is not enough unremedied injustice to Mr X or his family to warrant us investigating and pursuing any further remedy. We do not investigate complaints about councils’ complaint process where we are not investigating the core issue which gave rise to the complaint, so will not investigate this part of the complaint.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 002 359)

    Statement Upheld Charging 26-Sep-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Ms C’s complaint about the Council incorrectly invoicing her for care after she had cancelled it. This is because the Council has apologised and issued a credit note for the wrongly invoiced care. We are satisfied this remedies the injustice to Ms C.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 010 101)

    Statement Upheld Council tax 24-Jan-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s enforcement of a Council tax debt because there is no evidence of Council fault causing injustice and the matter has been remedied.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 011 280)

    Statement Upheld Refuse and recycling 26-Mar-2023

    Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s waste collection service. The Council acknowledged fault with the service, which service had since improved and which it continued to monitor. We found the service now provided did not cause Mr X significant injustice that needed any additional action from the Council.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 016 254)

    Statement Upheld Council tax 28-Mar-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about Council tax because the matter has been remedied.

  • London Borough of Croydon (22 016 736)

    Statement Upheld Council tax 29-Mar-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council rejecting Miss X’s request for council tax reduction and about delays in the Council processing her request. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault to justify an investigation. In addition, the Council has offered an appropriate remedy to injustice caused by the delay in processing her request.

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