Post Decision Review (PDR) and Service Complaints Manual

Part 7

7. What to do if the reviewer considers the decision reason has been recorded incorrectly at the decision stage

7. What to do if the reviewer considers the decision reason has been recorded incorrectly at the decision stage

There are times when the decision recorded at Investigation could be wrong, as a result of human error in completing ECHO. If a reviewer encounters a case like this:

1. Regress the case back to the decision screen, edit the screen, and overtype the existing decision with the correct one and save the screen. You do not need to change the decision date.

2. If the change in decision reason would lead to a different decision explanation appearing on the bottom of the decision letter to the BinJ, you must re-issue the decision letter to the BinJ with an explanation why it is being re-issued.

3. If the case has been published, we will need to get the published statement removed from the website before arranging for it to be republished with the correct coding of the decision reason. Please contact the Communications Officer (External) about this.

4. You can then progress the case back to the PDR screen and complete the PDR screen and close the case as normal

5. When you complete the Quality Monitoring screen, you must answer ‘no’ to the question ‘was the decision reason properly recorded in ECHO?’

6. You must then raise an IT helpdesk call using the following options and wording:

7. A SQL Database Administrator will then change the data in the background to ensure all the reporting will work correctly. 

However, if the decision was made wrongly in the Final Decision itself (rather than just a mistake on ECHO) and the change made is ‘substantive’ then ECHO will take the decision date and reason directly from the PDR screen. There is then no need to make a helpdesk request unless the case has been published in which case this process still needs to be followed, including a helpdesk request to reset publishing.

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