How is your council performing?

We have published our 2023-24 complaints statistics and the annual letter from the Ombudsman for every English local authority. Find out how your council did on our Councils Performance Map and read our Annual Review report explaining the national trends.

Ombudsman responds to new Ministry guidance for councils

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has welcomed the publication of new guidance for councils on scrutiny by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Michael King said:

“We welcome the publication of new scrutiny guidance for councils, and in particular the clear recognition of complaints as a vital source of information from those with first-hand experience of using local services. By understanding how their authority responds to - and learns from -  complaints, scrutiny committees will be better placed to identify possible areas that might warrant a more detailed examination and ultimately help improve services for all residents.

“We encourage all councils to reflect on this publication and make sure people are at the heart of their approach to service improvement.”

Article date: 07 May 2019

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