- Welcome and introductions
- Apologies for Absence
- Declarations of interest
- Minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2019
- Matters arising
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Chief Executive Officer performance 2019
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Chief Executive's objectives for 2019-20
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman performance 2018-19
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman objectives
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Capacity building
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Staff Survey action update
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Capturing staff feedback in future
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Setting objectives for staff in 2019-20
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Staff recognition and reward
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Remuneration and Appointments Committee Terms of Reference
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Remuneration and Appointments Committee Annual Report 2018-19
Confidential item - no paper attached
- Yearly Plan 2019-20