Decision search
Your search has 5 results
Copeland Borough Council (21 013 426)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 07-Feb-2022
Summary: Mr X complains that the Council did not notify him of a planning application and they failed to properly consider that planning application. We will not investigate this complaint because there is no evidence of fault by the Council.
Copeland Borough Council (21 002 913)
Statement Not upheld Refuse and recycling 17-Dec-2021
Summary: Mr B complains the Council have not provided a refuse collection service properly. The Council is not at fault.
Copeland Borough Council (20 014 068)
Statement Not upheld Planning applications 19-Nov-2021
Summary: Ms X complained about delay in the Council’s handling of a planning application. We ended our investigation as it is unlikely to result in a finding of fault or a remedy for the complainant.
Copeland Borough Council (21 006 010)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 04-Oct-2021
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about what happened during the Council’s planning panel meeting. This is because the complainant has not suffered significant personal injustice because of the alleged fault.
Copeland Borough Council (19 018 785)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Councillor conduct and standards 22-Feb-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr X’s complaint about how the Council considered complaints made about his conduct as a councillor. Mr X does not complain as a member of the public and so the complaint is outside the Ombudsman’s legal remit.