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Your search has 29 results

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 013 762)

    Statement Upheld Council tax 09-Aug-2023

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council unfairly instructed bailiffs to collect a historic council tax debt without trying to reach her. She says this resulted in her unfairly having to pay bailiff costs. The Council is at fault for failing to send a notice before taking enforcement action. This did not cause any injustice to Mrs X but the Council will take action to prevent reoccurrence.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 016 235)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Trees 12-Apr-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of Mr X’s planning application and a TPO on the application site. This is because matters concerning the TPO fall outside our jurisdiction due to the passage of time and because Mr X had appeal rights to the Planning Inspector against planning conditions with which he was unhappy.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 014 918)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Cemeteries and crematoria 02-Mar-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this late complaint about a burial in 2021. There is not a good reason for the delay in complaining to the Ombudsman about the matter.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 012 669)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 23-Feb-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s actions in listing a property as an asset of community value (ACV) . The complaint is outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction. The complainant had a right of appeal to a tribunal against the ACV listing.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 009 200)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 25-Jan-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council dealt with a possible breach of planning control. This is because we are unlikely to find fault.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 010 976)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Building control 01-Dec-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council’s administration of a building control matter. Mr X’s claimed injustice stems from the Council’s decisions on the case, which we have previously investigated, and we cannot achieve the outcome Mr X wants. The Information Commissioner is better placed to decide if the Council has breached the General Data Protection Regulations.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (21 018 608)

    Statement Not upheld Planning applications 16-Oct-2022

    Summary: Mr X complained about the way the Council decided a planning application for a slurry lagoon near to houses in his village. We found there was no fault in the way the Council decided the planning application.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 005 470)

    Statement Upheld Other 03-Aug-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint the Council failed to deal with his complaints about its noise nuisance investigations and the actions of the environmental protection team. The Council apologised appropriately for poor communications and there is no ongoing injustice. Mr X complains late about the noise nuisance cases which happened more than 12 months ago.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 001 655)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 08-Jun-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of a planning application for a development near the complainant’s home. This is because the complaint does not meet the tests in our Assessment Code on how we decide which complaints to investigate. There is not enough evidence of fault by the Council cause the complainant a significant injustice.

  • Allerdale Borough Council (22 002 475)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Councillor conduct and standards 05-Jun-2022

    Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the way the Council has dealt with a report that the complainant had breached the Members Code of Conduct. This is because we have no power to investigate complaints from councillors about matters relating to their role as a councillor.

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