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  • Surrey County Council (23 006 631)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 28-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mr C complained about the Council’s handling of his care and support, record keeping and how it communicated with him since Summer 2021. He said as a result he experienced distress and did not receive the care and support he needed. We found some fault by the Council, however had the fault not occurred, the outcome was likely to have been the same. Its apology was therefore enough to remedy the injustice it caused Mr C.

  • Surrey County Council (23 003 786)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 28-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mr M and his mother complain the Council left him without education from 2019. It delayed reviewing his Education, Health and Care Plan, did not respond to their request to explore a personal budget and delayed referring them to the Council’s Adult Social Care service for an assessment. We will not investigate some parts of Mr M’s complaint. But we have found fault with the parts we have investigated. The Council has agreed to our recommendation of an improved remedy to that which it had offered.

  • Surrey County Council (22 013 838)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Special educational needs 28-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council failed to name a suitable school in her daughter’s Education, Health and Care Plan. We have ended our investigation as Mrs X’s complaint is outside our jurisdiction.

  • Surrey County Council (23 018 376)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Transport 27-Mar-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about an unsuccessful Blue Badge application. This is because the Council will accept an early new application from the complainant.

  • Surrey County Council (23 000 778)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 26-Mar-2024

    Summary: Ms X complained the Council failed to provide her daughter, Ms Y, with the provision set out in her Education, Health and Care Plan. We found fault because the Council failed to deliver some of Ms Y’s provision, for a lack of timely and effective communication with Ms X and a delay in completing a statutory review. Ms X and Ms Y suffered avoidable distress and frustration in getting the issues resolved and Ms Y missed out on education she should have received. To remedy the injustice caused, the Council has agreed to apologise, make a payment to Ms X and share guidance with relevant officers.

  • Surrey County Council (23 012 472)

    Statement Not upheld Other 22-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about the replacement vehicle crossover the Council installed across the driveway of his home. He said the new crossover is narrower, with higher edges. There was no fault in the Council’s actions.

  • Surrey County Council (23 009 989)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 20-Mar-2024

    Summary: Ms X complained the Council failed to provide an education for Y, a child in her care, since September 2022 and failed to review Y’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan when their needs changed. The Council delayed holding an annual review meeting of Y’s EHC Plan and failed to provide some of the specialist provision set out in their Plan for four and a half terms. The Council agreed to make a payment to Ms X to recognise the injustice caused to her and Y because of the Council’s fault.

  • Surrey County Council (23 017 871)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 20-Mar-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint that the Council failed to find a suitable alternative care package to replace the service that was cancelled. He also complains the Council signposted him to inappropriate services. This is because the alleged faults have not caused any significant injustice.

  • Surrey County Council (23 016 290)

    Statement Upheld Other 18-Mar-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about children services’ actions. We have upheld Ms X’s complaint as the Council has now agreed to follow the Children Act statutory complaints’ procedure.

  • Surrey County Council (23 010 083)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 18-Mar-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council deciding Miss X’s child should be subject to a Child Protection Plan. There is not enough evidence of fault by the Council to warrant investigation.

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