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Your search has 17 results

  • Maldon District Council (22 014 735)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Noise 18-Jul-2023

    Summary: Mr X complains about noisy music events held in the park opposite his home which he wants the Council to move elsewhere. We will not investigate the complaint because an investigation is unlikely to add to that already carried out by the Council or lead to a different outcome.

  • Maldon District Council (23 003 288)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Disabled facilities grants 27-Jun-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council’s refusal to proceed with proposed works to install central heating in his home. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault.

  • Maldon District Council (22 013 348)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Noise 29-Mar-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s response to concerns Mr X raised about an event held in a park whose noise affected elderly residents in a nearby home. This is because we are unlikely to find evidence of fault by the Council sufficient to warrant an investigation and any dissatisfaction Mr X may have with the Council’s response to his FOI request is best directed to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  • Maldon District Council (22 011 656)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Antisocial behaviour 05-Jan-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council investigated anti-social behaviour. That is because there is not enough evidence of fault to justify our involvement.

  • Maldon District Council (22 004 067)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Refuse and recycling 18-Nov-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr and Mrs X’s complaint about the Council’s bin service, and how officers dealt with their complaint. We cannot rule on their claims the Council is fully or partly responsible for damage to their gate or for a break‑in at their home, as they are legal liability issues. It is reasonable for Mr and Mrs X to pursue the liability decisions they seek at court. We do not investigate council complaint or claims handling where we are not investigating the core issues giving rise to the claim or complaint. Other bin service issues do not cause Mr and Mrs X sufficient personal injustice to warrant an investigation.

  • Maldon District Council (22 006 373)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 31-Aug-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the way the Council has conducted a ‘call for sites’ exercise as part of its Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment. This is because the complaint does not meet the tests in our Assessment Code on how we decide which complaints to investigate. The alleged fault has not caused the complainant a significant personal injustice, and the Planning Inspectorate will consider the soundness of the Local Development Plan review in the future.

  • Maldon District Council (22 006 323)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 30-Aug-2022

    Summary: We will not exercise discretion to investigate this complaint about the Council’s treatment of planning applications for change of use by a business. We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint that the Council has failed to take enforcement action on a recent breach of planning regulations because the matter is still being considered.

  • Maldon District Council (22 003 837)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 15-Aug-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council’s handling of his neighbour’s planning applications. This is because the injustice Mr X claims is not the result of any fault by the Council.

  • Maldon District Council (21 010 580)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Council tax 09-May-2022

    Summary: We will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint about how the Council has handled her council tax account. We cannot achieve anything by investigating. Mrs X could have reasonably appealed decisions on council tax entitlement to the Valuation Tribunal.

  • Maldon District Council (21 012 486)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 22-Dec-2021

    Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about a planning application. This is because the complainant has already appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.

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