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  • Somerset Council (23 005 869)

    Statement Upheld Enforcement 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Mr B complained the Council failed to ensure a neighbouring landowner complied with a planning enforcement notice. We upheld the complaint finding fault in poor customer service given to Mr B. This caused him frustration and put him to unnecessary time and trouble. The Council has accepted this finding and agreed action, set out at the end of this decision statement, to remedy Mr B’s injustice and improve its service.

  • London Borough of Bexley (23 006 830)

    Statement Upheld Homelessness 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about the way the Council handled her homelessness application. She said she is still homeless, and the Council is still not helping her. She said it affected her mental health, had an impact on her child, and affected her income. We find the Council at fault. This caused Miss X unnecessary and avoidable distress and frustration, and denied her a right to ask for a review of an important decision. The Council has agreed to apologise, make a payment to Miss X, and improve its service.

  • Coventry City Council (23 007 039)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council dealt with a breach of planning control and a retrospective planning application. This is because we are unlikely to find fault.

  • Somerset Council (23 009 122)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: There was fault the Council delayed issuing an Education, Health, and Care Plan after a review. That fault caused Ms X distress through avoidable uncertainty about her child’s special education provision, and it also delayed her right of appeal. There was also fault the Council did not properly consider education provision for Ms X’s child while they were out of school. That fault caused Ms X an injustice because of distress, and it caused her child an injustice because of missed education provision. The Council have agreed to remedy these injustices in line with my recommendations.

  • London Borough of Hackney (23 009 313)

    Statement Upheld Other 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: There was no fault in how the Council changed Ms X’s priority date on the housing register. The Council was at fault for telling Ms X to apply for a priority she would not qualify for, overlooking a bid, and delay dealing with reviews and complaints. The Council has already remedied some of the injustice caused. The Council has agreed to apologise and make a payment to Ms X. The Council is also at fault for failing to give reasonable preference in its allocations scheme to all the groups required by the Housing Act 1996.

  • Willowbrook Healthcare Limited (23 009 363)

    Statement Not upheld Charging 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Mr D complained about the Care Provider’s decision to change his father’s care fees without proper notification. We do not find the Care Provider’s actions caused Mr D an injustice.

  • South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council (23 010 070)

    Statement Not upheld Assessment and care plan 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about the Council’s actions after she asked it for assistance with taking down an extension to her home. I am ending my investigation because there is no worthwhile outcome achievable by us investigating this matter. Nor will I investigate Miss X’s complaint about how the Council helped with her son’s care needs. Any fault there may have been has not caused a significant enough injustice to justify investigating and the Council has taken steps to address Miss X’s complaint about this.

  • Brighton & Hove City Council (23 010 415)

    Statement Not upheld Building control 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: X complained about how the Council dealt with matters relating to its Building Act powers. X believes the Council failed to act properly and this resulted in large financial losses and a personal injury. We did not investigate this complaint further, because the issues that were raised and the allegations made are more a matter for the courts than the Ombudsman.

  • Buckinghamshire Council (23 011 627)

    Statement Not upheld Child protection 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about the way the Council handled child protection matters concerning his children. We did not find fault in the Council’s decision-making.

  • Somerset Council (23 011 787)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 25-Apr-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained about delay in issuing an Education, Health and Care Plan, delay following the Tribunal hearing and failure to provide specific provision causing distress and frustration. There was delay in issuing the final Education, Health and Care Plan and some of the provision named in it was not provided. A suitable remedy for the injustice caused by this fault is agreed.

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