London Borough of Harrow (20 004 346)
Summary: The Council failed to comply with an agreed Ombudsman action to apologise and pay Mr X £200 following a final decision we made in February 2020 (reference: 17 018 925).
The Ombudsman upheld the complaint and found fault causing injustice.
The Council has agreed to:
- write to Mr X and apologise to him for failing to carry out the action it agreed in our final decision from February 2020, as well as the apology it had originally agreed to make to him;
- pay Mr X the £200 it agreed following our final decision in February 2020; and
- pay Mr X a further £100 to recognise the frustration and uncertainty caused by its failure to comply with the agreed action following our final decision in February 2020.
Ombudsman satisfied with Council's response: 9th February 2021.