Challenging our decisions

Our decisions are final and there is no appeal. You can apply to the High Court to challenge an Ombudsman’s decision because it is legally flawed – this is called judicial review – but you have to act quickly and you may need to take advice, for example from a solicitor, law centre or Citizens Advice Bureau. There is no other way to challenge our decisions.

We will review our decision if you can show

  • it was based on important evidence that contains facts that were not accurate, and you can show this using readily available information, or
  • you have new and relevant information that was not previously available and which affects the decision we made.

To request a review, you should fill in our form ‘Your complaint, our decision: review request form’, within one month of our decision. We will decide whether to review or change our decision. We will only review our decision once. We will not continue to correspond with you about your complaint once we have completed our review.

Please note: on some web browsers you will need to download the electronic form and save it to your computer before filling it in to save the information you include.

Reasonable adjustments

As a public sector body the Equality Act 2010 requires us to consider making adjustments if people with disabilities have problems using our service. If those adjustments are reasonable, we must make them. We are committed to making sure the way we work does not disadvantage disabled people and meets our legal obligations.

If you need any help or support in using our service, please let us know and we will consider what changes we can make to assist you. If you want this information in another language or format (such as large font or Braille) please contact us or email 

Click Complaints about our service if you are not satisfied with the level of service we have provided.

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